Ludwijn Jaeger Lawyer (partner) Directors’ and officers’ liability Tax-related fines Formal tax law Civil procedures Tax collection Request to provide information Act for Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Dutch: Wwft) International issues (arbitration/MAP)
Wiebe de Vries Lawyer (partner) Criminal tax law (FIOD) Bankruptcy fraud: major impact Confiscation measures (Dutch: ‘Pluk ze’) Formal tax law
Carlijn van Dijk Lawyer (partner) Tax inspection (FIOD) Criminal tax law (FIOD) VAT carousel fraud Objections and appeals Formal tax law European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, in Dutch: EOM)
Nick van den Hoek Lawyer (partner) Directors’ and officers’ liability VAT carousel fraud Objections and appeals Tax-related fines Formal tax law Criminal tax law (FIOD)
Vincent Leenders Tax Paralegal Civil procedures Criminal tax law (FIOD) Act for Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Dutch: Wwft) European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, in Dutch: EOM)
Lisa van Esdonk-Bongaarts Lawyer Criminal tax law (FIOD) Formal tax law Tax-related fines VAT carousel fraud European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, in Dutch: EOM) International issues (arbitration/MAP)
Ilse Engwirda Lawyer Criminal tax law (FIOD) Confiscation measures (Dutch: ‘Pluk ze’) Cryptocurrency Bankruptcy fraud: major impact European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, in Dutch: EOM)
Woody Jansen de Lannoy Lawyer Cryptocurrency Tax inspection (FIOD) Tax collection Voluntary disclosure International issues (arbitration/MAP)
Victor Langenburg Lawyer Formal tax law Confiscation measures (Dutch: ‘Pluk ze’) Tax inspection (FIOD) Criminal tax law (FIOD) Act for Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Dutch: Wwft)
Jurgen Scheltema Lawyer Tax collection Voluntary disclosure Tax-related fines Formal tax law Tax inspection (FIOD)
Thijs Droog Lawyer Voluntary disclosure Tax collection Objections and appeals Tax inspection (FIOD) VAT carousel fraud Customs officials Cryptocurrency International issues (arbitration/MAP)
Sarah Verweij Lawyer Confiscation measures (Dutch: ‘Pluk ze’) VAT carousel fraud Tax-related fines European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, in Dutch: EOM)